Saturday, September 22, 2007


Ross didn't have class today. Yay! So this morning, we hung out and played a bit. You know, like a normal family. First V and I were out on the porch. I wanted to get a picture of her in her new legwarmers.

Playing 024

there's a spider crawling up your leg

And we played with her Duplos.

Playing 056

Playing 030

Then Daddy showed up and they started a game where V would start the train rolling and when it ran into Ross, he'd roll onto his back and make much about how terrible it was. V thought this was the funniest thing ever. So we played that for a long time.

Playing 075

From there she decided she'd rather sit in his lap and I made the train go. Ross is always willing to be a goofball to make V laugh.

Playing 356 crop

Looking at these pictures just makes me happy.

Playing 378

Playing 281 crop

Playing 233

Playing 334 crop2

Playing 126 crop


Sheri said...

Those are the sweetest pictures.

Mrs Pretzel said...

Oh, EM! Those are BEAUTIFUL!!! The first and the last just caught my breath in my heart! I love them...

Zoe said...

Lovin those leg warmers. Have to get her majesty a pair. CAn never have too many legwarmers.

Maya Papaya said...

Thanks, y'all!